Product number 5069-AENTR is an I/O Ethernet / IP adapter that was manufactured by Allen Bradley / Rockwell Automation. This product belongs to the Compact 5000 series of products. This device has a MOD power rating of 220 milliamperes at 18 to 32 volts DC, as well as a MOD power passthrough rating of 9.78 amperes at 18 to 32 volts DC. This product has an SA power rating of 5 milliamperes at 0 to 32 volts DC or 2 milliamperes at 0 to 240 volts AC at 47 to 63 hertz. Additionally, it has an SA power passthrough rating of 9.95 amperes at 0 to 32 volts DC or 9.975 amperes at 0 to 240 volts AC at 47 to 63 hertz.
- Enclosure Type: None (Open Style)
- MOD Power Passthrough: 9.55 Amperes at 18-32 Volts DC
- MOD Power Inrush: 850 Miliamperes for 125 Milisesconds
- MOD Power: 450 Miliamperes at 18-32 Volts DC
- Module Type: Compact 5000 Ethernet communication adapter
- Part Number/Catalog: No. 5069-AENTR
- Module compatibility: Compact 5000 I/O module
- Maximum number of module: 31 I/O modules
- Communication Rate: 10 / 100 Mbps; 1 Gbps
- Network Topologies: Linear, Star, Device Level Ring (DLR)
- SA Power: 5 mA @ 0…32V DC 2 mA @ 0…240V AC, 47…63 Hz ATEX/IECEx,
- 125V AC Max
- SA Power: Passthrough 9.95 A @ 0…32V DC 9.975 A @ 0…240V AC, 47…63 Hz
- ATEX/IECEx, 125V AC Max
- Operating Temperature: 0 °C < Ta < +60 °C (+32 °F < Ta < +140 °F)
Designed and manufactured by the company known as Allen Bradley / Rockwell Automation, product number 5069-AENTR is an I/O Ethernet / IP adapter. It belongs to the Compact 5000 series of products. This device has a MOD power rating of 220 milliamperes at 18 to 32 volts DC (direct current). Additionally, this Allen Bradley product has a MOD power inrush rating of 1750 milliamperes for 70 milliseconds. The MOD power passthrough rating of this I/O Ethernet / IP adapter is 9.78 amperes at 18 to 32 volts direct current (DC). The SA power rating of this Allen Bradley product, however, is 5 milliamperes at 0 to 32 volts direct current (DC) or 2 milliamperes at 0 to 240 volts alternating current (AC) at a frequency of 47 to 63 hertz.
The SA power passthrough rating of this device is 9.95 amperes at 0 to 32 volts direct current (DC) or 9.975 amperes at 0 to 240 volts alternating current (AC) at a frequency range of 47 to 63 hertz. The Allen Bradley 5069-AENTR Compact 5000 I/O Ethernet / IP adapter has an isolation voltage rated at 300 volts when operating continuously. This Ethernet / IP adapter does not have an enclosure and, therefore, is considered to be an open-style device. When operating this Allen Bradley product, it is important that the temperature of the area surrounding this product ranges from 0 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius, or the equivalent temperature range of 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
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