Allen Bradley PLC Communication Adapters 1734-APB


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  • Comes with 24 Volts DC Input Voltage.
  • Manufacturer: Allen Bradley – PLC
  • Product Type: PLC Adapter Module
  • Part Number: 1734-APB
  • Series: POINT I/O
  • UPC: 10612598276568
SKU: 1734-APB Category:


The Allen-Bradley 1734-APB is a point I/O PROFIBUS DP Network Adapter in the Bulletin 1734 POINT I/O™ series.

Here are some of the key specifications of the Allen-Bradley 1734-APB adapter module:

  • Module Type: PROFIBUS DP Network Adapter
  • Input Voltage: 24V DC (10-28.8V)
  • Field Side Power: 400 milliamps
  • Inrush Current: 6 amps (10mm)
  • POINTBus Current: 1000 milliamps
  • Input Overvoltage Protection: Reverse Polarity Protection

The 1734-APB adapter module has an input voltage rating of 24 Volts DC nominal, a 10 to 28.8 Volts DC range. And its inrush current is 6 Amps maximum for 10 mm, with a PointBus output current of 1 Amp maximum at 5 Volts DC ±5% (4.75 to 5.25).

The 1734-APB features reverse polarity protection for input overvoltage. And in case of interruptions or when input drops out, the output voltage stays within specifications for 10ms at 10V with maximum load.

It simultaneously resides on the POINT I/O backplane (PointBus) and the PROFIBUS network. This position allows the adapter to interface between the POINT I/O modules and the PROFIBUS network.
On the PointBus, it functions as a master unit and communicates with up to 63 POINT I/O modules.
While on the PROFIBUS, it serves as a slave unit and works by exchanging I/O data with the PROFIBUS master.

The POINT I/O 1734-APB adapter is installed on the left side of a 1734 system. It converts the applied 12 to 24 Volts DC field power to PointBus 5 Volts power to supply 5 Volts logic power to the POINT I/O modules. It can power up to 14 I/O modules with a maximum of 10 Amps field power and a 75mA current draw.

To comply with CE Low Voltage Directives (LVD), a Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV), an NE Class 2, or a Protected Extra Low Voltage (PELV) power supply can be used.


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